Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oh Yeah, and Another Thing...

Boo hoo, I got pink eye AGAIN. Today when I woke up, I literally felt like Helen Keller. Except I could hear. And talk. Well bad analogy but you get the point. Try typing and blinking through all this yucky stuff in my eyes and see how bitter you get. I mean maybe having a stalker isn't a bad thing...I can turn him into my errand boy. I need some Matzoh Ball soup, stalker boy. Go fetch! I need a pint of Hagen Daas Dulce De Leche ice cream, stalker boy. Chop, Chop! Hmmmm, I may have to rethink my former posting. In the mean time, I am going to wallow in my own yuckyness, go to bed early and dream of white picket fences with my gorgeous (totally committed and faithful)Brazilian husband tending the yard with our two kids and domesticated wolf. Yeah, I said domesticated wolf. Timber to be exact. I'm cool like that.


Blogger Li'l Pony said...

I hear that pink eye is going around Miami. I thought I was getting it last night, so today I am wearing my glasses instead of my contact lenses.

I thereby kill two birds with one stone: avoiding aggravating nascent conjunctivitis, and giving myself the chance to wear my fashionable frames from SEE, which I don't wear nearly enough.

11:37 AM  
Blogger Joshua-Myles said...

Look at you being all smart and some junk. My glasses have been sat on so many times, that they kinda sit funny on my face.

4:51 PM  
Blogger faculty for workplace justice said...

why do you sit on your glasses, sherpa? is it some kind of sick habit you have?

5:09 PM  
Blogger Joshua-Myles said...

I never said I sat on them. But, I am a clumsy boy so it is possible I might have once...accidently...did it but don't quote me on that.

6:48 PM  
Blogger faculty for workplace justice said...

how's the pink eye, sherpa?

9:52 AM  

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