Thursday, June 01, 2006

Back Again...

I apologize for the grammatical catastrophe I am about to make with the following post:

So yeah, took a break. Had some things going on like trying to move, making sure it was the right move blah, blah, blah. I wrote of course, just for me. I do what I want, right? Right? I did create, mind you. I can't let myself go to hell in a hand basket now can I? I had the pleasure of speaking with Brad from the Willing Warrior this evening about some things I have went through during my brief stay on Ol' Momma Earth. I was a bit flustered to tell you the truth, speaking so candidly about a part of my history for potentially a few people that I may or may not encounter, with someone I admire for what he has grown into. Not so much being afraid of judgment from people, cause frankly you can bite me if you don't like my choices. More-so, I hope the point I am trying to work on, not necessarily make was conveyed.

So, in essence my voice on this blog has changed because of Brad and my brief conversation. A question was raised in our talk, one that I have been juggling for a while. Since I decided to pose it to myself, being the Curious Curtis that I am I had to get answers. It was too complex of a problem to let slide. And, because I have chosen to start turning up the fire under my burner I can't let it go. The question was this: If the thought of turning a child away, in essence , disowning them because the are gay, lesbian, transgendered, or bisexual is such a horrible thing why aren't these parents being prosecuted/charged for child abandonment or neglect. If a parents responsibility is with that child until they are 18, why aren't these responsibilities enforced?
Then more questions arose from this initial question arose. Many. I mean tons. Like, if these kids are well rounded otherwise (good grades, potential for success etc.) why has it been considered ok to kick them out? Is it the stigma attached with having a gay kid? Is it religion? Or how about law enforcement? What are they doing to help the kids they may pick up on the street? Do they contact the parents? Do they let them know of their responsibilities? What about money for prosecution? When the enforcement of the law comes into play for these youth, I would have to imagine the case load would increase. How about social services? We all know that shit hole of a system needs to be overhauled and restructured? Where do they get money for that? Do they set money aside to accommodate GLTB youth? What about our own people, when do they stand up and realize the kids are the future of our movement? Many, many questions. Overall consensus on my part? Something needs to be done. Period. We need a base to start from. We need to work on our community, work from within. Make ourselves strong. That way we don't need to water ourselves down, make us mainstream. Since when did taking away our individuality become the norm to gaining our rights, which is about freaking time we get.
So, in closing of this atrocity of a rambling diarrhea of thought I have realized that I still need to work on some things in myself. I realize that I can't just hope things are gonna work themselves out. Life isn't that simple unfortunately. If they were I would be writing about how tight my ass is looking lately. Glad to be back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - Listened to your Willing Warrior interview and was completely inspired. Thank you for sharing your story and I am looking forward to reading what you have to say here on the Sherpa blog going forward. Thanks again,

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally listening to your Willing Warrior interview. Really a remarkable story, I am halfway through it or so. I really thank you for sharing this part of your life.

4:51 PM  

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