Monday, June 19, 2006

Goose Step!

On Saturday, June 17th, I participated in the Anti-Violence Project rally for Kevin Aviance (Eric Snead, 38) and the two other groups of gays that were viciously attacked approximately a week after the President of the United States voiced his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution and publicly stated his bigotry. June 10th and 11th was a bad 24 hours for the GLBT people of New York City. Was it a sneak peak into the future? Well, hopefully the protest helped put the word out that we as a individuals and as a community are tired, scared, and angry. This should not be happening in the most conservative of towns in this country. Men and women should not have to be looking over their shoulders. Nor concerned about their gestures, their voices, or their thoughts. They should not have to be walking to get the attention of local authorities, the politicians, or the man who holds the highest office in the land. I cannot get over how much this man continues to disgrace this great office.

The rally/protest began at 14th and 1st and continued through parts of the East Village and up to Christopher Park (4th and Christopher St.), where the infamous Stonewall Bar is located. It was in June of 1969 that the famous Stonewall Riot started the movement for equal rights. Appropriate the we ended up there. Approximately 1500 GLBT people walked. Wished it was more, but it has to start somewhere, right?? It seemed an easy thing to do, and a beautiful day to do it. Maybe you saw something about it on the news? There were plenty of press but it seems that there hasn't been too much about it. Well, its a start. What have you done lately?


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